Youth Education – Remembrance Day Poster and Literary Contests

Each year the Grafton Legion sponsors the Remembrance Day Poster and Literary contest run by the Royal Canadian Legion.

Students from the local schools can enter their posters and literary, divided into age groups, for a chance to win (and some include cash awards too).

The students can win at the Branch, then move on to Zone, District, possibly on to Provincial and then Canada wide. Each time the student’s work moves up, another award and cash prize may be awarded.

The purpose of this is to remind everyone about the sacrifices our Veterans gave, so that we may enjoy the life and freedoms we have today. This is Remembrance Day.

The 2024 competition will start the second week of September with entry forms to be dropped off to the three area schools, Baltimore Public, Grafton Public and St Mary’s.

A return date for the submissions is November 5, 2024 for judging before Remembrance Day and some of the entries will be displayed at our Veterans Day Dinner on November 11 at the Branch.

If there is a student being home schooled, could they please contact the Branch for a copy of the entry form and rules.

Congratulations to all of the students that participate in the Legion’s Remembrance Day Poster and Literary contest.

About admin

RCL Br.580 Pro Chair