Two of our Executive Members, Heather Atkins and John Grozelle went to Victoria Retirement Residence on Boxing Day to give presents to the widows and veterans.
We had a special coffee/tea and treats put on by the retirement home. All were greatly appreciative that the Legion remembers them at Christmas and that they get Birthday Cards throughout the year from the Grafton Legion.
Family members were in attendance as well.
A few we know…….
Bill Turlands son, Robert, who is currently serving (30 years), expressed his thanks for acknowledging his dad. His wife Daloris is also a residence of Victoria Retirement.
Paul Elcombe had Doreen Flint who accompanied him for lunch.
Margaret Hares daughter was there as well, but didn’t get her name… she was camera shy.
Was a very humbling experience for all.
There is a Photo Album with larger pictures on our Facebook Page but I’ve attached a couple group photos to this post.
Thanks so much Heather and John!