Wednesday May 14, 2025 – Monthly General Membership meeting will be at 7:00pm.
This is a “member-only” meeting for members of Branch 580.
This will be the Nomination and Election Meeting for Branch Executive.
You are welcome to Nominate any member who is in good standing and is a current paid member. To serve on the Executive you must have been a member of a Branch for at least 1 year.
It would be wise to speak to the person you want to Nominate to see if they are interested in a position on the Executive. It doesn’t help the Branch to get somebody elected who never attends meetings and doesn’t participate. This only means more work is dumped on the other members of the Executive instead of being spread out among them all. More minds means more views and opinions. This is a good thing!
Branch Officers to be elected:
- President
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Executive Committee – 6 Members
- Sergeant At Arms (appointed)
Branch Executive elected will be responsible for the following Committees:
- Lottery Trust/Nevada/Bingo
- Ways & Means
- Membership
- Youth Education
- Public Relations Officer
- Poppy Fund
- Honours & Awards
- Leadership Development
- Entertainment
- Building
- Service Officer
- LA Liaison
- Sick & Visiting
- Bar
- Sports
As you can see there are a lot of Committees to be looked after. We need a fully functioning Executive who are willing to donate their time on a regular basis throughout the year to keep the Branch active.
All Grafton Legion Members are encouraged to attend the May General meeting to help elect your new Executive.