Remembrance Day Dinner and Honours & Awards Presentations

Grafton Legion members and invited guests will enjoy our Remembrance Day Dinner followed by our Honours & Awards presentations. Meet and greet from 5-6pm. Dinner at 6pm. Dinner will be Ham with Scalloped cheese potatoes, Caesar Salad, Carrots, Green Beans …

Zone Crib Tournament

There will be a Zone Crib Tournament held at the Brighton Legion, Branch 100, on Saturday December 3, 2016. Register at 10am, play at 11am. Grafton Legion members must sign up before November 19th. There is a sign up sheet …

Poppy Campaign Underway

Every year, the Legion conducts the Poppy Campaign to honour those who serve, and to raise funds in support of Veterans and their families. From the last Friday in October to Remembrance Day, all Canadians can be a part of …

Legionnaire of the Year Award

It’s that time of the year again to begin putting forth your recommendations for Legionnaire of the year! Please keep in mind this should be a member in good standing that has shown exemplary commitment to the branch, going above …

Life Membership

Iona Fieldhouse was presented a Life Membership on September 17, 2016. Pictured are Mary Anne Matthew, Iona Fieldhouse, Jen MacDonald, Helen Massey. Congratulations!

Robbie Burns Dinner

Volunteers are needed to help with the Robbie Burns dinner, scheduled for Friday January 20, 2017. Please contact Jen MacDonald if you can help.

Colour Party Members Needed

The Grafton Legion Colour Party will be at the Remembrance Service at St. George’s Anglican Church on Sunday, November 6th (9am?) and will then attend another service at Victoria College for 11:30am. If you can help out with the Colour …

Ontario Command Homeless Veterans Report

Ontario Command Homeless Veterans Report Comrades our Homeless Program continues to grow in numbers and expand across our Command. As of August 12th our statistics are; 418 Veterans assisted, (this number is likely closer to 500 when “unreported instances” of …

Bus Trip October 22, 2016

The Bus Tour is on Oct 22/16 leaving legion at 10am sharp returning approx. 6:30pm Cost is $20.00 a person must be paid by Oct 14/16 1st stop: Sand Banks Winery for 5 wine tasting & 3 side dishes 2nd …

Steak BBQ, Corn Roast and Live Entertainment

Join us on Friday September 30, 2015 from 5-6:30pm for a Steak BBQ and Corn Roast, only $15/per person. Limited seating. Advance reservations only. Sign up sheet in Member’s Lounge and you can pay at the bar. Following the dinner, …