Harvest Dinner

The Grafton Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary presents a Harvest Dinner at the Grafton Legion Hall, Friday Sept 27, 2019. $15/person, $7.50 ten years and under. Starts at 5pm. Enjoy a delicious homemade Turkey dinner with potato, gravy, rolls, vegetables, stuffing, dessert …

A Busy Legion Week ahead!

Legion Week is Sept 15-21, 2019 and we have lots of special events for you to participate in! On Wednesday Sept 18th, join us at 12 Noon for our monthly Senior’s Lunch & Games. Only $5 to attend and you …

Dieppe Ceremony

The Grafton Legion held our Dieppe Ceremony today in front of the Branch to honour those Veterans that fought on the Beach this day, and to honour the Branch’s name sake, Lt. Col. John C. Foote V.C. C.D. Thanks to …

Remembrance Day Winner

Each year the Grafton Legion sponsors the Remembrance Day Poster and Poem contest run by the Royal Canadian Legion. Students from the local schools can enter their posters and poems, divided into age groups, for a chance to win (and …

New Member

The Grafton Legion welcomes our newest member, Steve Mackey! (Son of Evelyn Mackey who is a current legion member). Welcome to the Branch!

Dieppe Raid Ceremony

Join us out front at the Legion at 11am on Monday August 19, 2019 for a service with a luncheon to follow. The memorial in front of our Legion is somewhat unique, in that it is constructed with stones from …

St. Mary’s Cemetery Decoration Day

Friday August 9, 2019 was decoration day at St Mary’s cemetery in Grafton… David and Marlene Harden placed decorations on the veterans graves for the Grafton Legion (with thanks!).

Back Yard BBQ Draw Winner

Some fun pictures from Friday’s Back Yard BBQ Draw… Audrey Brookfield, visiting from the Bowmanville Legion, drew the winning ticket for Jeff and Terri Wright! Branch President Heather Atkins and Executive Member Mary Anne Mathew overseeing the draw.

Merrill Crowe Winners

Our Annual Merrill Crowe Horseshoe Tournament was held Saturday July 13, 2019. Thanks to our many Volunteers and those that played! Pictured are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams.

Back Yard BBQ Draw

Our Back Yard BBQ Draw is back! Food by Taylor’s Meats and music by DJ Gerry, for YOU and 50 of your friends! Taylor’s will deliver to your home (within 30 kms of Taylor’s Meats) Beef, Pork, Baked Potatoes, Salads …