Notice to Members

There is a copy of a Motion posted in the Club room that deals with a proposed amendment to Branch Regulations for all to read.

The motion will be read at our next General Meeting on January 5, 2017.

The motion is to change how a “quorum” is determined. Currently a “quorum” for all Meetings of the Branch is twice the number of Members from the Executive Committee present at the Meeting plus one. This proposal to be presented at the December 1st meeting would change that to being a “quorum” for all Meetings of the Branch shall be five percent of the total eligible voting membership as recorded on the files of Command at the end of the preceding calendar year.

If you have any comments or concerns, please be sure to attend the General Meeting on January 5, 2017.

This was to be presented to the General Body at our Meeting on December 1, 2016 but we didn’t have a “quorum” to vote.

About admin

RCL Br.580 Pro Chair