Well on a very cold Friday night we had a good turnout and everyone left with full bellies.
A total of 80 meals were served and a lot stayed to enjoy the socialization with family and friends. Lots of laughter was heard throughout the hall.
As we get close to the holiday season the Friday Night Team will be taking a break with no meals on December 27th or January 3rd.
We wish to advise that tickets for the Christmas Hamper Draw are still available and the draw will take place Friday December 20, 2024. You do not need to be here to win. Tickets available at the bar – 3 for $5.00.
Also, for that perfect stocking stuffer, Friday Night Dinner Certificates for 2 for $30.00 or Dinner for 1 at $15.00. Certificates can be purchased at the bar.
Upcoming Meals:
December 20 – Fish or Chicken Schnitzel with french fries
December 27 – No Meal
January 3 – No Meal
January 10 – To be announced
January 17 – Meal provided by the Ladies Auxiliary
We wish to thank everyone who comes out to support the Legion and our Community.

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