Well tonight The Lass and Ladle and the Grafton Legion Friday Night Team did a joint fundraiser for the Northumberland Hills Hospital “Light Up A Life Campaign”.
People started to arrive just after 3pm and oh was the building smelling good.
Everyone left with full bellies and there was lots of take out.
After it was all over the total of the proceeds from the meal with donations that were made at the branch and the Branch also made a donation, Ronda Cunningham accepted a cheque in the amount of $7,649.00. Rhonda was SURPRISED!!!!
Attached are pictures of the line up, the joint kitchen staff and our “Santa’s Helper Lady” Sharon, enjoying her dinner.
Pictured with the cheque is David Harnden, Rhonda Cunningham, Sylar Muir, Brock Jansen and John Grozelle.
We want to thank The Lass and Ladle for their support with this meal and the two workers in the kitchen (Skylar and Brock) who helped with serving and the cheque presentation.
There was a lot of helping hands with this fundraiser that made it a success.
A HUGE THANK YOU for all who came out for such a worthy cause.