Friday Night Meals – Hot Hamburger

$15.00. Children 12 and under, $7.00.

June 14, 2024 – Hot hamburger, served with mashed potatoes and corn. Oh yes lots of gravy.

Desserts will be a variety of pies and I hear a surprise home made dessert as well.

Tea and Coffee are included.

Dinners start at 4pm and run until 7pm or until we run out.

Fridays include four meat draws.

All are welcome so please come for some great food and fellowship.

Take out is available.

Upcoming Meals:
June 21 – All-you-can-eat Spaghetti
JUNE 28 – BBQ Theme

We are open:
– Tuesday 6pm-10pm Summer Darts until end of August.
– Thursday 1pm-4pm for Moonshot Euchre.
– Fridays 2pm-7pm.

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RCL Br.580 Pro Chair