Elections and your New Branch Executive

At our General Meeting on Thursday May 4, 2017, final nominations and elections were held. Your elected Branch Officers are: President – Jen MacDonald Past-President – Bill MacDonald 1st Vice President – Scott Powell 2nd Vice President – Doug Moore …

Nominations and Elections for your new Executive

Thursday’s General Meeting on May 4, 2017 is the final night of Nominations and Elections for your new Branch Officers and Executive! Your new Executive will be sworn in at the June General Meeting. You are welcome to Nominate any member …

Grafton Legion Br.580

Notes from General Meeting on April 6, 2017

At the last General Meeting it was noted that we requested quotes to make a proper rear parking lot at the Legion. Prices ranged from $5,400 to $15,500. This will be brought up again at the next General Meeting. The …

Visit from Lakefield Legion

We had a great visit today from members of the Lakefield Legion who came by bus on their day of visiting branches in the area. We had everything ready for them! Including a great lunch and Horse Races afterwards! Everybody …

11th Annual Memorial Dart & Crib Tournament – Winners

Join us on Saturday March 18, 2017 for our 11th Annual Memorial Darts & Crib Tournament in memory of Jean Jaynes, Eugene Tidd and Jack Harnden. Cribbage in the Club Room Register at 11am, play at Noon. $5/per person Darts …

Public Speaking Contest – Results

The Public Speaking Contest, part of the Legion’s Youth and Education program, is meant to give young people an opportunity to speak in public. The individual chooses their own subject matter for the address.The contest progresses through zone, district and …

Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent first Facebook Town Hall

Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent will be hosting his first “Town Hall” on Facebook Live March 21, 2017. This is an opportunity for his team to reach Veterans and their families from coast, to coast, to coast, and to discuss the …

Dates to Remember

Dates to Remember Zone F-2 Public Speaking – March 25, 2017 – Bewdley Br. 577 District Public Speaking – April 1, 2017 – Port Perry Br. 419 Areas F & G Public Speaking – April 8, 2017 – Codben Br. …

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

The Grafton Legion Ladies Auxiliary are holding a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on Friday March 17, 2017, from 5-7pm. Enjoy Corned Beef, Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, Coffee, Tea, Carrots, Gravy, Buns and Irish Desserts! $15/person with seating for up to 80 …