Friday Night Meals – Pulled Pork

$15.00. Children 12 and under, $7.00

January 17 – The Grafton Ladies Auxiliary is putting on a Pulled Pork on a Bun meal.

Meal to be served with “Baked Beans” and coleslaw.

Desserts will be a large assortment of pies with fresh made trifle, Blue Berry Cheesecake and the ever popular Cherry Cheesecake. There will also be non-sugar desserts like bananas, yogurts, etc. as well.

Tea and Coffee are included.

Dinners start at 4pm and run until 6pm or until we run out.

Fridays include four meat draws.

All are welcome so please come for some great food and fellowship.

Upcoming meals:
January 24 – Chicken Parmesan

We are open:
– Tuesday – Grafton Mixed Darts 6pm-10pm
– Thursday – Moonshot Euchre 1pm-4pm
– Fridays 2pm-6pm.

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RCL Br.580 Pro Chair