King Charles III Coronation Medal Nominations

David Piccini’s office has contacted the Legions to help promote nominations for the King Charles III Coronation Medal.


To be eligible for this honour, a person must have:

• Made significant contributions to the country, a province, territory, region, or community, or made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada; and
• Been alive on May 6, 2023 – the date His Majesty was crowned.

Nominations can be made posthumously as long as the nominee was alive on that date.

Other eligibility criteria

• The Medal is to be awarded to individuals only, not to groups or couples.
• Self-nominations will not be accepted.
• The Medal may only be awarded once.

Required information includes:

• first/last name
• address
• preferred language
• area of achievement (40 word or 250 characters maximum)

Medal Distribution

The Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism is responsible for administering this program in Ontario on behalf of the federal government. Once all your nominations have been approved by the Federal Government they will notify David Piccini’s office.

The application deadline is September 19th.

This opportunity to recognize individuals will not happen very often and we are hoping you can help us by nominating a very worthy candidate(s) for this very special occasion.

For more information please see the following link:…

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RCL Br.580 Pro Chair