Videos from our Remembrance Day Ceremony
Here are two videos from our Remembrance Day Ceremony, Nov 11, 2020
Here are two videos from our Remembrance Day Ceremony, Nov 11, 2020
Here is a list of names of those that participated in today’s Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Cenotaph in Grafton. Government of Canada Provincial Of Ontario County of Northumberland Township of Alnwick/Haldimand In Memory Of All Our Fallen Soldiers RCL …
2021 dues can now be paid by cash, cheque or credit card. Due to Covid-19 the branch is closed but by chance if someone is there you can come in and pay. The Early Bird Campaign runs from Sept 1st …
The Grafton Legion supports our Veterans and our Community. We may not be open but we do love our Community. At our Executive Meeting on November 5, 2020, the following donations were approved: Branch 580 Christmas donations for 2020The Salvation …
Due to the COVID restrictions a brief service will be held at the Grafton Cenotaph and all current wreath holders will be contacted and advised about the new protocol. There will be no parade. We will have a reduced colour …